
Sleep Stress and Students

Understanding The Connection


About Project

This psychology project examines the interconnectedness of sleep, stress, and academic performance in student life. By investigating the direct links between sleep quality, stress levels, and academic outcomes, our goal is to uncover practical strategies for students to enhance their well-being. The study focuses on 45 participants aged 17 to 28, utilizing the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess various components of sleep quality. As sleep significantly impacts overall health and cognitive function, understanding the sleep patterns of young adults is crucial. Through survey analysis, we aim to provide insights into factors influencing sleep quality and their implications for well-being and daily functioning.
By doing so, we hope to not only uncover practical solutions for students but also contribute to a deeper understanding of the broader implications for their overall well-being and daily functioning. In essence, this project serves as a gateway to unraveling the complexities of sleep, stress, and academic performance in the dynamic landscape of student life.

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Response Collected


Abdullah Shafiq


Asghar Ali


Zain Baig


Muhammad Bilal


Asad Irfan


Ali Kahful Wara



  • The PSQI results offer insights into the sleep quality of university students. 36% reported poor sleep quality, 18% very poor sleep quality, and 7% extremely poor sleep quality. These findings highlight a notable prevalence of compromised sleep quality among the surveyed university students, indicating potential challenges in achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep.

  • Subjective Sleep Quality

    Most respondents (65%) rated their sleep as "Very Good" or "Fairly Good," reflecting a positive perception. However, a substantial portion (33%) reported "Fairly Bad" or "Very Bad" sleep, indicating diverse experiences within the surveyed population and underlining the subjective nature of sleep quality assessments.

  • Sleep Latency

    Most respondents (38.6%) fell asleep within 15 minutes, suggesting a quick transition to sleep. However, 51% experienced longer sleep onset times, with 36.4% taking 15 to 30 minutes and 25% needing over 30 minutes. This pattern indicates potential issues with sleep initiation, possibly linked to factors like stress, anxiety, or other sleep-disrupting influences.

  • Sleep Duration

    A significant 63.6% of respondents reported insufficient sleep, with 54.6% getting less than 5 hours and an additional 9% between 5 to 7 hours. Only 36.4% reported meeting the recommended 7 hours or more. This prevalent pattern highlights a concerning trend of insufficient sleep among university students, potentially affecting their well-being, academic performance, and mental health.

  • Sleep Effeciency

    56% of respondents reported high habitual sleep efficiency exceeding 85%. Yet, a significant proportion reported lower efficiency: 21% in the 75-84% range, 18% in the 65-74% range, and 5% with less than 65% efficiency. This diversity in results suggests varying sleep efficiency levels among the surveyed population, with a notable percentage experiencing less optimal sleep efficiency.

  • Sleep Schedule

    A significant 59% of respondents reported lacking a defined sleep schedule, indicating inconsistency in bedtime routines. In contrast, 18% maintained a consistent sleep schedule, while 22% adhered to it only on weekdays. These findings highlight a prevalent trend of irregular sleep schedules among participants, potentially contributing to variations in sleep quality and overall well-being.

  • Use of sleep medication

    The data on sleep medication usage reveals a strong preference for non-pharmaceutical sleep management, as 84% reported never using sleep medication. A small percentage reported rare usage (9%), occasional usage (4.5%), and only 2.2% reported frequent reliance on sleep medication. These findings emphasize a prevailing trend of infrequent use of sleep medication within the surveyed population.

  • Daytime Dysfunction

    A noteworthy 68% reported being highly or moderately affected by sleep-related issues during the day, signaling challenges in daily functioning. Meanwhile, 30% experienced a marginal impact, and only a small percentage (2.2%) reported no impact at all. This suggests that a majority of the students face difficulties staying alert and finding motivation during the day.

Overall Sleep Quality



  • Welcome to Sleep, Stress and Students, where we prioritize your well-being through our Sleep Quality Assessment using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Take a few moments to answer thoughtfully crafted questions that will provide you with a personalized Sleep Quality Score.

    This score, accompanied by detailed insights at the bottom of the form, aims to help you understand and enhance your sleep patterns. Embark on the journey to better sleep and improved overall health—start by exploring the depths of your sleep quality with us.

Before 10 PM
Between 10 PM and midnight
Midnight to 2 AM
After 2 AM
Less than 15 minutes
15 to 30 minutes
30 to 60 minutes
More than 60 minutes
Before 5 AM
5 to 6 AM
6 to 7 AM
After 7 AM
Less than 5 hours
5 to 7 hours
7 to 9 hours
More than 9 hours
Not at all
Very much
Only on weekdays

Score Details:

0-5: Good sleep quality

6-10: Poor sleep quality - consider consulting with a sleep specialist

11 to 15: Poor sleep quality (moderate sleep disturbances)

16 to 21: Poor sleep quality (severe sleep disturbances)